Politica sulla riservatezza
The date you will share with us will represent the bare minimum data necessary to provide the service possible.
You retain full ownership of all your content and we will never sell, lease, rent or otherwise share your content without your consent.
Email address
Your email address is used for the register and sign process on the website, validate password changes, send service notifications, and send you notification emails -
IP address
We save your last-used IP address to get an idea of your general location and to have the ability to block malicious actors and to set the automated website language option - Payment cardholder's and account owner phone number We collect the payment cardholder's phone number so we're able to contact them should there be a payment dispute.
Sometimes it's necessary to share your data with third-parties in order to provide our service. Your data is only shared when necessary to provide the service you purchase, and is done so according to the safeguards and good practices detailed in this privacy policy.
Here is a list of those third parties, links to their privacy policies, data we share with each, and reasons for doing so:
Service provider
Data collected or shared
Privacy policy
Contact details, financial information
This service keeps financial data and processes payments for us.
Privacy policy
Email address, contact form messages
We use this service for sending transactional emails and emails sent from contact forms. In the case you delete your account your email address will be unsubscribed automatically in 6 months.
Google Analytics
Privacy policy
This is a web analytics service: we use it to track your use of the service, and prepare reports on user activity.
Amazon S3
Privacy policy
Uploaded files, site content
No personal details are shared, but we store uploaded images on Amazon's S3 service.
Privacy policy
We use technologies from Mixpanel, Inc. (“Mixpanel”) to perform statistical evaluations and improve our Service.
Mixpanel may collect, on our behalf, Personal Information such as an individual’s email address. You may opt-out of the transmission of your Personal Information at mixpanel.com/optout, however please note that you will delete the opt-out cookie when you delete your Cookies in your browser settings
The third-parties listed above will use cookies for anonymised tracking and analytics, but we only place cookies on your computer for the purposes of helping secure your website, never to identify or track your behaviour.
Even though we don't keep much data on you, you can request a copy by emailing us and asking: [email protected]
When an account is closed, your identifiable financial data is instantly and irreversibly erased, while all other data except your email address is retained for six months before being permanently erased. We do this as a courtesy to offer people a grace period for changing their mind and resuming service without losing their websites and having to start from scratch. The only data retained afterwards is your email address, used to send important news about updates to our service. These emails have an easy-to-see "unsubscribe" button at the bottom that let you unsubscribe at any time. If you'd instead like your data to be removed before the six month timeline, you can have to done by emailing us and asking: [email protected]
We don't knowingly collect children's personal information, as our terms of use prohibit those under 13 years of age from using our service.
Although we go to great lengths to protect your data by using the latest technologies and standards available, we can't legally guarantee your information will not be misused or disclosed to third parties. We cannot be held liable to you in any way for any such misuse or disclosure. You use our service at your own risk.
By using our service, you consent to the collection and use of your information as described in this privacy policy, as well as agree to the conditions laid out in our terms of use, which can be found at http://www.voicechoice.pics/terms. Please note that we may modify this privacy policy from time to time and be made available on this webpage. You should revisit this page on a regular basis, as revised versions will be binding on You. Any changes to this privacy policy with be effective upon our posting on the new privacy policy. You understand and agree that your continued access to or use of VoiceChoice after any posted changes to this privacy policy indicates your acceptance of such changes.
If you have any questions or requests, please contact us at [email protected].